Friday 25 March 2016

Ballet Body Sculpture - New: Spring Time Program!

Happy Spring & Happy Easter!!! To celebrate a new season and help you to boost your body in time for the new dress style we have a created a fun, intensive and very effective exercise program for you! Designed specifically to bring you great results in just one week, despite your fitness level or body shape! As long as you keep up and we will motivate you along the way!

See your free BBS Spring program bellow:

Day 1
Goal: Stabilise your core, shape and tone up your legs ballerina style!
"BBS Pro ballerina legs" + "Perfect waistline & sides"


Day 2
Goal: Ballerina posture & elegant body tone
"BBS Elegant arms & back II" + "BBS Tone & stretch express"


Day 3
Goal: Boost your abs & firm your glutes!
"BBS Perfectly refined abs & glutes II" + "BBS Ultimate blast for the abs!"


Day 4
Goal: Total body cardio

BBS Full Body Blast II

Day 5
Goal: Stretch and lengthen
"BBS Stretch, flex & relax II"

Day 6
Goal: Perfect legs and elegant posture
"BBS Posture & Legs Blast" + "BBS Elegant arms & back I"


Day 7:
Goal: Sculpt, tone & polish your full body 
"BBS Full Body Blast" + "BBS Workout class – Barre I" (can be exercised holding a steady chair)

See more details on:

"Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear." - Lets push through a few more classes before you can all enjoy lots of well deserved chocolate bunnies!!! :)
Posted by Ballet Body Sculpture on Wednesday, March 23, 2016

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