Sunday 28 December 2014

Effective At Home Exercises To Sculpt Great Legs

Are you looking for leg and butt exercises so that you can sculpt your legs? Stop staring at the celebrities in magazines with the legs of your dreams and start doing something about it! 

Work out your thigh muscles and achieve that sculpted definition with these classical ballet exercises to tone your legs. As a principle ballet dancer I have helped many clients to define their body & legs, let me share with you these effective exercises with you that will help to create your perfect legs! You don't need any additional equipment, for the barre exercises just hold on to a chair. So, what are you waiting for? Get toning & sculpt those fabulous legs!

Try combining this :

Sculpt Slim Ballerina Legs & Strong Core. The exercises are designed to get you super lean and slender, boost your metabolism, firm and burn!

Level -Beginner /Approx.25min

Toned Glutes, Great Legs & Defined Hips. A low impact body sculpting workout designed to strengthen, shape and tone the muscles in your legs and bottom.

Level -Beginner /Approx.25min

Create Your Dream Body Line! An elegant Ballet Barre Workout class based on some muscle firing exercises from the classical ballet to tone up your muscles, lengthen, strengthen your legs, stretch & sculpt your thighs, calves and glutes for a stunning body silhouette.

Level: Beginner /Approx.:30min

Challenging & highly effective total body workout class. Beautifully designed series of mat, ballet barre, centre and stretching exercises that will fire up all your muscles, burn the calories, slim, tone up, stretch & lengthen your full body, creating elegant posture as well as sculpt a ballet dancer-like body line.

Level : Beginner/Intermediate

Approx.: 50 min

Enjoy exercising and creating your best body!

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Saturday 20 December 2014

How can I lose weight quickly - few days before an event!

As it's a party season, we all want to look and feel at our best, the big question is how to get slimmer quickly to look better in that lovely dress? Is it really possible to slim down in a day or two?.
No worries, here are some great tips. First of all - do a workout that makes you sweat a lot the day before, alternate cardio with total-body strength moves. No time to get to the gym or exercise studio? No worries, join online classes and gain the benefit from your personal trainer at home! And don't skimp on H2O, start drinking eight cups of water per day two days before and up until your event, cutting back to six the day of, it dilutes sodium in your blood, preventing water retention.
So let's get going and to get you ready for the great party time!

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Monday 15 December 2014

Healthy Recipes For Season!

ballet body sculpture

Cranberry recipes abound this time of year. They make a stunning addition to any Christmas celebration and add a yummy, tart, sweet flavour to a myriad of dishes. If you want to give them a try this year, you are in luck because cranberries are easy to find, cheap to buy and super easy to work with. Load up on cranberries and get into your kitchen. Here are some mouthwatering cranberry recipes to try this holiday season.



These are great lunch time & diner recipes to keep you fit and healthy during the restful holiday period!

For those that don't like to rest for too long and would like keep the fitness levels going as well as slicing off too much Christmas cake & chocolate, we have some great offers, a bit of ballet workout:

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Wednesday 10 December 2014

Want To Be Fit & Look Elegant - Why Not To Try Ballet

As a former principle ballet dancer, I know many ballet steps for toned muscles and a great posture. While most people think of ballet as a pretty art form, it actually requires a great deal of strength. In fact, you might be surprised how much strength is actually required to perform a fairly simple step. Because you do need so much strength to do ballet, there are many ballet steps for toned muscles that will not just make your whole body fitter and more flexible but also will develop the grace, elegance as well as confidence.


Pliés are one of the many ballet steps for toned muscles that you can do just about anywhere. All you need is a counter or a chair to hold onto. To do a plié in first position, put your heels together and turn your feet out. Then bend your knees, making sure your knees don’t roll forward and your butt doesn’t stick out. Keep your back straight and stomach pulled in. By doing pliés you will tone your inner thighs and butt, which are often difficult areas to tone.


Performing tendus is another ballet step that will help you tone your inner thighs. They will also strengthen your abdominal muscles and feet! To perform a tendu from first position, stand in the same position you were in for pliés. Keep you knee straight and brush your leg out to the side pointing the toes at the end. Then, bring your leg back in, your knee stays straight . You want to keep your feet on the floor and come to the same position that is pictured.


À la seconde is one of the easiest ballet steps you can do to strengthen your arms. It doesn’t even require any movement. Simply stand with your arms held out to the side and round your elbow slightly so your palms face in. Keep the shudder plates down, back straight and chest open. Then hold this position until your arms get tired. You will find doing this strengthens your shoulders and back as well.


Port de bras forward is a step that will strengthen your core muscles. All you have to do is hold onto a counter or chair while standing in first position. Then, extend your arm to the side and bend forward from the waist with a straight back and go down as far as you can. Bring you arm up at the bottom and open to the side again she you come up. When you come back up, keep your back straight as well. You should feel your 
core muscles working.


Relevé is a great step in ballet for toning your inner thighs, butt, and strengthening your calves. To do a relevé, stand in first position and press up onto the balls of your feet. Then, lower back down. Keep you knees straight and push you heels slightly forward when you rise and come down to work your inner tights. By repeating this step 20 to 30 times in a row you will feel your muscles burn!


A fondu is basically a plié and is done on one leg. Because it is done on one leg, a fondu is much more difficult than a plié but it also strengthens the muscles more. Bend and stretch both knees together, when you stretch open one leg to the side. Keep your knees both open to the sides, back straight and stomach pulled in. To get the most benefit of this step, repeat it until your leg becomes tired, then switch to the next leg.


If you like to jump, you will enjoy doing sautés. Sautés are basic jumps done in ballet, and they can be done in any of the ballet positions. However, you can get all of the benefit by doing them in first position, which you already know. All you have to do is bend your knees and jump, making sure your feet are pointed in the air and heels are down when you land. Sautés will strengthen your core muscles, your legs, and your feet.

All of these ballet steps can be done just about anywhere, and they will all tone and strengthen your muscles. Doing these steps often will help you achieve the toned #muscles you desire, and they will give you something different to do besides go to the gym. Have you ever considered doing ballet to get in better shape?

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Saturday 6 December 2014

Smoothy That Aids In Weight Loss

Smoothies that aid in weight loss offer a delicious, nutritious way to lose weight.  I had no idea that they are also so delicious! For me, this is like a revelation, because I have a confession to make: I have a total sweet tooth. By implementing smoothies, which are filling and healthy, I’m hoping you will be able can conquer my love of sweets – or at least send them in another direction. Maybe the smoothies can help with #weight loss too!


There are a lot of surprising smoothies that aid in #weight loss, and this is one of them. I wouldn’t have believed that a peanut butter based smoothie could be all that healthy, but the protein is what makes it great. This smoothie is ideal as a replacement meal. Thanks to the peanut butter, you get plenty of protein, and all together, it's like a peanut butter and banana sandwich!


Half of one banana
1/2 cup smooth or crunchy low-fat peanut butter
1/2 cup of non-fat milk
6 ice cubes
1 tablespoon of chocolate whey protein powder
Place all of the ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth.

And the great thing this smoothy is a wonderful energy source for your exercise routines!:)

Monday 1 December 2014


Cellulite has often been termed “the curse of women” because so many suffer from the annoying orange peel skin dimples and fat deposits on their hips, bums and thighs. Unfortunately, too many women also throw thousands and thousands of dollars down the drain on totally ineffective “treatments” and useless products. That is because most people don’t really know what “cellulite” is, or what causes these odd dimples on the lower body trouble zones…

So if you don’t know what cellulite is, how can you treat it? 
Fact is, there is no real difference between cellulite fat, and regular fat. All of the cellulite sponges and creams designed to “dissolve” cellulite and other gimmicky devices are all ripping you off. Unfortunately, cellulite is actually caused by muscular atrophy, a condition that occurs when the layer of muscle becomes weak and undefined, and separates from the skin, making the unattractive fatty deposits visible. So the first thing you need to know is that cellulite treatment has nothing to do with your skin and everything to do with the muscles underneath the skin. And remember, cellulite removal has NOTHING to do with weight loss. Even the skinniest of girls can suffer from cellulite.

The good news is that there is a way to reverse muscular atrophy, and banish annoying cellulite forever. And no matter how much you weigh or how old you are, you can do this naturally without popping pills or using phony lotions.


1. You CANNOT get rid of cellulite with creams or lotions: Stop using them! It’s that simple. There are dozens of cellulite reduction creams on the market, but they don’t do anything to treat your cellulite. The dimples caused by cellulite are a superficial result of a problem below the surface of your skin, therefore creams will do nothing.

2. Medi-Spa Treatments do not work: Numerous FDA reports show that medi-spa treatments designed to remove cellulite have actually scarred and injured a number of women permanently. From body-wrapping to endermologie, these treatments are completely ineffective (but can be very expensive).

3. Cellulite is NOT genetic, you CAN get rid of it: Ignore what you’ve been told, cellulite is not a genetic problem and you do not have to be stuck with it forever. Believing these falsehoods will just prevent you from taking the steps you need to get rid of your cellulite.

4. You can get rid of cellulite no matter how old you are: Because cellulite is a muscle issue, you can always fix it by strengthening your muscles. All you have to do are some simple movements that target specific muscles in the cellulite affected area to get rid of your cellulite. You can do these movements at home – they are not vigorous or overly strenuous and can be performed by women of all fitness levels.

5. The ONLY way to get rid of cellulite forever is with specifically targeted lower-body movements: The movements are unique, and directly target the muscles in the cellulite areas. They focus on lifting, toning and shaping the muscle layers, pushing them towards the skin and getting rid of the dimpled appearance. Unfortunately, these are not movements that you’ll be able to learn at your nearest gym. This natural way to remove cellulite does not make use of weights or machines. 

Ballet Body Sculpture exercises are specifically designed to target all areas that women are most concerned about, including cellulite, using a simple equation of 20% of your effort for 80% of results (and not the other way round, unlike in a regular gym):

With this program you will learn how to target every single one of your lower body muscles, with simple, light movements. Sign up for our classes, online program, or request a private training session and you will attain the tight and sexy look that you’ve always dreamed of. If you have some fat in your cellulite zones, it will be burned off as fuel so you will also lose any unhealthy excess body fat.

With our online classes you can even do these movements from the privacy of your own home and if you start with this targeted muscle stimulation method today you will start seeing results after approximately 2 to 4 weeks. It’s your body so just go ahead and do the right thing for it!

For more information and to request a special program set of exercise routines for the areas of your concern:

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