Friday 13 January 2017

What to eat to make your workout more effective

Before the workout

Try to stick to the golden mean here. You should neither overeat, nor do exercises on an empty stomach — both are unhealthy. You must keep in mind that it’s the last thing you’ll eat before your workout that your body will be digesting during exercise. Preferably, this should be protein-rich foodstuffs, fruit, or anything containing fiber. Animal proteins will help you build up muscle; fruit and fiber-rich products will help digestion and trigger natural cleansing processes in your body.
Examples of foods you should eat 2-3 hours before workout: 
  • Apple and cheese sandwich 
  • Grain bar or milk and fruit 
  • Green salad with chicken or tuna
  • Wheat crackers or whole grain bread 
  • Eggs, omelet
  • Yogurt and fruit 
  • Nuts
  • Fruit cocktail or natural juice

During the workout

When doing exercise, water comes first. Don’t forget to keep a bottle handy — one that is large enough to prevent you from dehydrating. You’ll need water to help your body retain nutrients and make it produce glucose — the natural fuel your body runs on.
Examples of glucose-rich products:
  • Natural fruit juice
  • Bananas
  • Raisins and other dried fruit

After the workout

The time immediately after a workout is crucial, as your body begins to change under the influence of recent physical exertions. Your metabolism rate goes up and your muscles undergo far-reaching transformations.
Examples of products that will help you recover after exercise:
  • Fresh vegetables; steam-cooked or fried vegetables
  • Any low-fat meat or fish
  • Mixed green salad 
  • Cottage cheese or greek yogurt 
  • Eggs
You don’t have to stick to a strict diet for the sake of your workout. Just try to eat more healthy food for a healthy way of life.
Source: Genial
Looking forward to seeing you in our classes!

Sunday 8 January 2017

Secrets That Will Help You Attain the Figure of Your Dreams

New Year brings new years resolutions to achieve something you haven't yet managed or had enough motivation for in the past year. So why not to start now when you are full of energy and positive mind set? If you would like to get your body in shape as soon as possible and enjoy great results for a long time, here are a few important tips.

1. Set your goals correctly

To keep your body in good shape you need to eat less and move more. Even children know that. But there are other techniques that can help you become slimmer.

Losing a certain number of kilograms is a decidedly wrong direction for your great look and heath. Your correct goal should not be to lose weight but to reduce the percentage of fat and increase the percentage of muscle. Proper nutrition and regular exercise will help you achieve this.

2. Keep to the "1/ 1/ 4″ rule

In the most general terms, the ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the human diet should fit into the "1/ 1/ 4″ formula: 1 g of protein, 1 g of fat, and 4 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. This ratio may vary depending on lifestyle and stress. The main thing is to ensure that your body is supplied with the full range of necessary nutrients. So forget about all those mono diets.

3. Dim the lights low at the diner table

Afraid of overeating? Try dimming the lights and turning on soft relaxing music before sitting down at the table. Soft lighting is known to decrease appetite.

4. Take photos in full height of yourself regularly.

If you have seriously decided to reconsider your habits and get a new body in time for the summer season, take pictures of yourself! Do this every week. A recent study has shown that people who adhere to proper nutrition programs and regularly photograph the changes in their bodies usually reach their healthy lifestyle goals. According to scientists, such photographic evidence of how your waist decreases serves as a primary motivator for you not to give up halfway.

5. Take fish oil supplements

Fish oil is very beneficial for the body. A study conducted in Japan has shown that this product not only reduces inflammation and prevents cardiovascular diseases but also acts as a catalyst for the process of the breakdown of fats. When it comes to weight loss, fish oil is particularly effective in combination with exercise. Well, now — shall we give it a try?!

6. Exercise using high intensity workouts regularly!

Most people think that exercising once or twice a week, like going for a run or cycling in the gym will make you slimmer. I'm afraid it will not make much difference for your figure. To make a real change you need to start exercising every day, at least 10-20 min for 30 days to achieve the desired result, then continue on 3 times a week basis to maintain the gains. If you don't have time to go to the classes every day, try online workouts. Remember, it's not about the length of time, but about the intensity and regularity. Studio classes will certainly give you more results from the workout, but at home plus studio exercise combinations every so often will set a new lifestyle for your body.

See you in our classes!

Monday 2 January 2017

See What Happens if You Give Up Sugar for 3 Days

Almost all of us have thought about going on a diet at one time or another. For some it’s just a passing desire to shed a few pounds before a party; for others, losing weight is a struggle that lasts many years. However, one Swedish doctor,  Andreas Eenfeldt, has suggested it’s time to stop believing in myths about food and listen to the signals your body sends you. 

As is well known, we get energy from two different sources:

  • from carbohydrates, which includes sugar;
  • from fat.

For many years we’ve been told that fat is bad and that the only way to get thin is to eat low-fat products and celery. However, giving up sugar rather than fat is worth paying much more attention to. If you do, something very interesting will happen:

  • Once you’ve stopped worrying about consuming fat (in reasonable quantities) and given up sugar, you’ll be able to stay slim on a permanent basis, and as a bonus you’ll have overall better health, more energy, and great skin and hair.

  • You’ll no longer feel the need to check the calorie intake for everything you’re buying. Yet your waist will be the first thing to decrease in size.

If you give up sugar for as little as three days, you’ll soon notice a new feeling of satiety, and consequently you’ll feel satisfied despite eating less food. Many people who try this say they no longer want to eat a large supper and don’t even think about food until the next day’s breakfast.

A rough three-day menu

Breakfast :

  • Scrambled eggs with ham, bacon or avocado 
  • Boiled eggs with tomatoes and spinach 
  • Cottage cheese (no less than 5% fat) with berries 
  • Pancakes made with almond flour 
  • A salad with green vegetables and olives 


  • Meat or fish dishes: with vegetables (excluding carbohydrates like rice, pasta) 
  • Soups (excluding the carbs, apart from potato and beans) 
  • Salads (made with any vegetables and with vegetable oil) 


  • Roasted vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, bell peppers) 
  • Meat or fish dishes: with vegetables (excluding carbohydrates like rice, pasta) 
  • Salads (made with any vegetables and with vegetable oil) 
  • Any of the options from breakfast 

Remember that any of these meal choices are interchangeable, and you should eat as much as you want and whenever you feel like doing so. Don’t be afraid to experiment and to try preparing ordinary food in new ways.

If you stick to this system for a while, you’ll be surprised to discover that you’ve dropped several clothes sizes. At the same time you’ll feel hungry less often, will be free of problems with your intestine and/or blood pressure, and be more energetic.

Most importantly, this method can put you in charge of your body and your life.

Source Andreas Eenfeldt , LCHF

Stay fit and healthy! See you in class: