Wednesday 23 September 2015

7 Best Fruits For Your Diet

First off, let’s just state that all fruit is healthy. Some people worry out the sugar content, but fruit sugar (fructose) is not something you should be concerned about. The nutritional value of fruits is not in their sugar but their lack of calories, lack of fats and all their good things, including dietary 
fiber, vitamins, folate, minerals and antioxidants. Having said that, not all fruits are equal and there are some that are better to increase your intake of when you’re trying to lose weight.


Watermelon is one of the absolute best fruits for weight loss. Though it tastes delicious and fruity, watermelon, as the name might suggest, is actually made up of 90% water. This means a filling 100g serving of the fruit only contains about 30 calories! It is also rich in something called arginine, which is an amino acid that helps to burn fat. Watermelon is perfect for keeping you hydrated and encouraging the pounds to shed!


Though apples are often overlooked today in favor of trendier and more exotic fruits, they actually possess of some of the best benefits that fruit can offer. One medium sized apple has no fat, no sodium and will only set you back around 50 calories. They can also make your teeth whiter, reduce certain cancer risks, boost your immune system and keep your heart on a healthy track.


Mostly associated with India and Portugal, the delicious guava fruit is packed full of important health benefits. Guavas are incredibly high in fiber and also make for effective weight loss due to their low glycemic index. This low glycemic index also makes guava a great choice for diabetics, and thanks to the high fiber, the fruit will help to keep your bowel movements healthy and regular, which really aids overall weight loss.


Just a single pear can meet one whole quarter of your body’s daily fiber requirement, and this makes them great for your digestive system. Pears have also been proven to be able to reduce cholesterol levels and work against type II diabetes and the risk of coronary heart diseases. The high fiber content of a pear means that you stay feeling fuller for longer, which is something that is really important when it comes to dieting.


Containing just 105 calories per fruit, bananas are the perfect source for a quick and longer lasting energy boost during the day, beating in health and diet terms any pre-packaged diet bars or workout snacks that you could buy. Bananas are also great for helping to regulate your blood pressure, preventing too much acidity in your system and easing muscle cramps.


Yes, that’s right, I’m counting tomato as a fruit, not a vegetable! It is an argument that can divide many, but something that is undeniable is the positive effect that tomatoes can have on a diet. First of all, they are delicious, secondly, they reduce water retention and thirdly, they are chock full of beneficial antioxidants. Another really important fact is that tomatoes work to reverse leptin resistance, and leptin is a protein within the body that actively prevents the body from losing weight.


We all love the juicy, summer taste of an orange, and with only 47 calories in a 100g serving of the fruit, it is pretty much the perfect snack to be diving in to if you are trying to lose weight and follow a quite strict diet plan. An orange’s natural sweetness will also help to curb sugary cravings for unhealthy snacks.

All fruit is good for you, so just eat more of your favorites. Which are?

Enjoy the favourites and I look forward to see you in our classes, ballet workout, ballet barre, private, group lessons as well as online classes!

You can't put limits on your goals, the more you dream, the farther you will get. - Look forward to seeing you for more classes!
Posted by Ballet Body Sculpture on Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tuesday 8 September 2015

3 Ballet Exercises To Help You Shape Up This Autumn

Autumn is here, and ballet can help you stay in shape. If you’re desperate to flaunt your new outfits but you want to trim up, these three exercises will help you reach your goals.

1. Pliés

Got saddlebags? Pliés are a foolproof way to stronger, leaner, butt and legs. Like fancy lunges, they work your gluteals and quadriceps, helping to tighten your thighs and those stubborn areas around your backside. Not a Tchaikovsky fan? Blast some Beyoncé while you tone your tush. Practice 8 sets of 8 in first position, and take it slow. The slower you go, the more you engage and strengthen your muscles. Want more of a challenge? Practice 8 sets of 8, in all positions, first through fifth. The summer sun won’t be the only thing burning!

2. Relevés

If you would like more defined calves, practice heel raises, or relevés. Standing with feet parallel, or in first position, lift your heels off the floor, rise to the balls of your feet, and hold for one count. Lower your heels down to the floor. Again, repeat 8 sets of 8. If your legs start to cramp, shake them out and take a minute to stretch your calves and achilles tendons. Want more of a challenge? Place one foot behind the other in coupé, and rise up on one foot! When practicing relevés, maintain good posture by staying on top of your hips, and keeping your knees straight. This will encourage proper alignment and decrease risk of injury.

3. Port-de-bras

So, you say the only muffin top you want has blueberries? Practice some crunches, ballerina-style: Sit on the floor in straddle. This means your legs are open in the letter V. Lean your body to each side, reaching for your foot. Want more of a challenge? With your hands behind your ears and your elbows outstretched, lower your upper body until your right elbow touches your right knee. Don’t allow your spine to twist and your midsection to fold inward. Activating your core, lift your body upright and repeat to the left. This exercise targets your oblique abdominals, slimming your waistline and helping you firm up. Practice 8 sets of 8.

If used correctly and consistently, ballet technique, in combination with a healthy diet, can help you create a leaner, stronger body.

But most importantly, if you want to see good results, exercise needs to be persistent! 2-3 times a week for about 60-90min or 15-30min daily. 

See you in our studios! Or online! :)

You gain confidence and grow stronger by every experience in which you really push yourself to do something you didn't think you could do. - See you by the barre!
Posted by Ballet Body Sculpture on Friday, September 4, 2015

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Boost Your Brain Power With These Foods...

A healthy brain is something we all need! Whether you are a student or not, you still need to keep those thinking powers strong and increase sharpness and retainability! So you can keep healthy, exercise well and fell great! What you eat plays a large role in this. Here is a list of foods to try out to keep your wits about you and to sharpen up the old thinking cap!


Sage is a flavorful herb that many of us don’t consume much of. Try incorporating more into your diet, especially if you need to focus on improving memory skills! You can even reach for sage essential oil and diffuse it into a room to reap the benefits if you aren’t inclined to ingest sage.


Nuts are yummy, easy to pack, and pretty much all of them have some sort of health benefit. But they all prevent cognitive decline, since nuts are high in vitamin E. I like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios, but reach for whatever strikes your fancy!


Fatty fish has lots of Essential fatty acids and DHA. Your body can’t make this on it’s own, so it’s important to eat foods rich in fatty acids! Try some salmon, mackerel, or herring occasionally! Healthy hearts and joint contribute to brain power because if your body is sore or lacking in an area (even if you don’t know it) that is more energy being spent on repairing or compensating for that spot and less that can be focused on brain power!


Pumpkin seeds are an awesome snack to keep at your desk for school or work. They are portable, tasty, and brimming with zinc. Zinc is excellent for helping your memory skills and to boost thinking power. Best of all, you can eat pumpkin seeds quietly and they don’t leave you with strong breath like peanuts or other salty, flavorful snacks can.


Our bodies need magnesium. Magnesium is very beneficial for brain cell reception, and also relaxes blood vessels allowing blood flow to feed our brains! The average American diet is quite deficient in magnesium because it is found in unlikely or unpopular foods. Chickpeas are a great source of magnesium, so chomp away for decreased stress levels and better brain reception!


You’ve probably been told before that blueberries are good for you, but do you know why? Blueberries are stuffed full of antioxidants. These are what we need to help us focus and retain information! Antioxidants are also great for your immune system, obviously if you are sick you won’t be able to focus as well as you can when your health is up to par!


Red meat is very high in vitamin B12, which is an essential vitamin for brain health and development! In addition, there is a lot of iron found in red meat, which is necessary for healthy blood pressure and energy. Since we need a healthy blood flow to our brain, you can see how red meat has lots of components to boost overall brain health!

If you are an expectant mother, or trying to conceive, you almost can’t eat too much of these foods listed above! Your baby will benefit in brain development from all the goodness contained in these delicious brainpower-boosting foods. I hope this list has been helpful and inspiring! As always, thanks for reading, stalkers!

Keep Healthy! See you in the ballet studio!

Wishing you a great week! See you in our studios to gain progressive results!
Posted by Ballet Body Sculpture on Sunday, August 30, 2015