Monday 25 May 2015


Swap sweets and biscuits for some healthy snacks this summer!

If like us, you tend to suffer from the 3pm energy slump, here are some healthy snack ideas to help satisfy your cravings…

Blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit - making them a great snack to help boost your immune system. Also, their sweet flavour promises to satisfy your sugar cravings.

Seaweed thins
What we love most about seaweed is that it can do wonders for hair and skin, with vitamins, fats and minerals from the sea that can help strengthen, revitalise and moisturise. Dried seaweed thins are a great alternative to crisps and crackers.

Apple slices with peanut butter
The benefits of eating apples are endless – from teeth whitening and immune-system boosting, to aiding digestion and detoxifying your liver. Try cutting one into slices or wedges and spreading on a light layer of organic peanut butter.

Almonds not only satisfy hunger but also regulate cholesterol, strengthen bones, improve complexion and contain nutrients that help boost brain power – among many other things. Try roasting a batch with lemon, salt, Worcestershire sauce and honey to give them an extra kick.

Dark chocolate rice cakes
Rice cakes are low in calories, provide an instant energy boost, aid digestion and are an essential source of vitamin B1. Top them with a layer of rich dark chocolate and you've got a tasty and healthy treat. 

Miso soup
Miso soup is a fantastic afternoon snack if you're trying to lose weight – it's filling, comforting and full of beneficial nutrients. 

Raw energy bars
There's a huge range of raw energy bars out there that are perfect for a pre-workout snack, or simply to give you that mid-afternoon boost. We love Bounce Balls (available at Holland & Barrett) in every flavour, and snack bars from Purple Balance (available at and Aduna Baobab (available at

Dark chocolate pumpkin seeds
Dark chocolate covered pumpkin seeds may be a fattier snack option, but they're a great source of iron, magnesium and zinc, and are sure to satisfy your cocoa craving.

All those lovely snacks are great energy source to keep you going and achieve great results at Ballet Body Sculpture class!

'The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it" - Thank you for all great classes this week! See you next week for some more!
Posted by Ballet Body Sculpture on Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday 16 May 2015

Body Language & Elegant Posture

Body language can have an amazing impact on any situation in your life.
#Great posture helps keep the body strong and upright. It protects the back, helps #strengthen the center, and speaks volumes about your #confidence level and #health. Remember what they say about first impressions? #Good posture can help you give a great one! Poor posture on the other hand can read as weak, uninterested, or that you are uncomfortable in your own skin. In #professional settings where the pressure is really on, like in an interview, pitch or presentation, having good posture is key!
If #posture is something that you struggle with, don’t worry. Anyone can build #beautiful posture through simple #exercises and work on creating better habits. Take a moment now and sit up, pull in with the stomach, and lift and open through the chest. Now pull back with the shoulders and lift the head slightly. This is what great posture feels like! The muscles in the back, shoulders, ribs and center are all engaging. Aim for this position in your workouts, especially in my standing cardio work, and hopefully, in your next big moment in the spotlight to project Ballet Body Sculpture posture, strength & confidence!

"Surround yourself with people who inspire to be a better version of yourself."
Posted by Ballet Body Sculpture on Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sunday 10 May 2015

10 Effective Tips to Keep Weight Off For Good

There's no fad diet or miracle pill that will change your body overnight, but losing weight is within your reach—it just might take a little longer than you'd like. Consider this: when you lose weight at a slow and healthy pace, you'll be more likely to keep it off for good. If you're done with the days of yo-yo dieting, these 10 tips are the emotional stepping stones to a healthier lifestyle.

1. Start small: Chances are, if in the past, you’ve tried to change everything all at once, few of your intentions have stuck for good. The answer to staying committed for the long haul is to start small. Make one positive shift every week, instead of overwhelming yourself with a bunch of changes at once.

2. Find healthy foods you love: It’s true! Healthy food that supports weight loss can also be delicious! If you’ve been on a solid sugar- and salt-laden diet for years, it will take a little getting used to. But sooner than you think, those cravings start to dissipate, and clean, natural foods sound much more palatable.

3. Don’t focus on deprivation: According to celebrity trainer Heidi Powell, anytime you deprive yourself of food, or of anything, “all you want is what you can’t have!” Take your mind-set away from sacrifice and start celebrating the fact that you’re cultivating a healthier, happier, more energized life.

4. Find out what fuels you: Whatever your true motivation is, tap into it, and use it. Is it about fitting into a ton of clothes tucked away in the back of your closet? Is it about being lighter and more active, so you can run around outside with your kids? Getting serious about your long-term goals will keep you committed to your lifestyle change.

5. Learn to love consistency: When you have a regular mealtime schedule and fridge full of fresh produce and healthy staples, making choices that support your goals won’t feel like a constant battle. Remember, this isn’t a quick fix — this is a lifestyle change. After a few weeks, these things will feel like second nature.

6. Seek out exercise you enjoy: Heading to the gym shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth. Keep on trying #new group fitness classes, cardio machines, and different styles of #exercise. When you find that one activity that flies by and feels like fun, you’ll know you’ve met your match.

7. Plan ahead for indulgences whenever possible: Occasionally enjoying a sweet treat or special meal out are essential parts of sustainable weight-loss plan. When you know you’re going to want a burger at your BBQ or an ice cream cone when you’re at the beach next weekend, keep your diet extra clean leading up to your special indulgence. It will make the whole experience that much sweeter.

8. Have compassion for yourself: Sometimes, we’re triggered by foods around us, we haven’t planned ahead, and slipups happen. Instead of being hard on yourself after eating a food that’s “off-limits,” forgive yourself, and move on. When you treat yourself with kindness, you’ll be able to bounce back and stay on track. Let’s skip the downward spiral of a whole day (or week) filled with junk food, shall we?

9. Keep setting new goals: As you’re evolving and progressing on your weight-loss journey, your goals have got to keep up! There’s so much to celebrate beyond that number on the scale, and setting specific and personal minigoals like training for a race (or slipping into that pair of old jeans) will help you stay connected.

10. Picture the new you: If you’ve struggled with your weight for a long time, it can be hard to visualize a new, healthier life. You might not be able to find the words right now, but creating a tangible reminder, like a healthy vision board covered in inspirational images, will help you start to recognize what your dreams look like.

And lastly, always choose #true professionals to help you achieving your goals fast and precise:

Enjoy the weekend! And more great, challenging & fun classes!
Posted by Ballet Body Sculpture 

Saturday 2 May 2015


Great post workout or as a quick breakfast.  This is brimming with anti-oxidants and just bursting with Vitamin C. I always have frozen summer berries to hand as they're an amazing source of vitamins.  Containing red currants and blackcurrants they add a gorgeous tangy to my favourite protein smoothies and available all year round.  The Greek Yoghurt contains plenty post workout protein to fuel muscle repair and growth and adds a wonderful creaminess without the need for a whey protein powder.
This is very low carb - with a little fructose from the berries and pomegranate and a tiny bit of lactose in the yoghurt.  I always avoid 'added' sugars like honey or agarve nectar and chose Stevia which has zero impact on blood sugar levels. 

Juice and Pips of 1 Pomegranate
1/2 cup frozen summer berries
150g Total Greek Yoghurt
150ml iced water
1/2 tsp stevia

"Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like muscles of the body." - Well done for the classes so far!
Posted by Ballet Body Sculpture on Wednesday, April 29, 2015