Thursday 26 February 2015

How To Create Your Own Exercise Room

Let’s face it, most of us are not really keen on the going to the gym idea. But we all know how important is to keep exercising the body as well as the mind regularly. So, I thought I would include some important items for you to make your own exercise room at home. Choose a place away from the family room, if you like to concentrate on your exercises and don’t to have distractions from other family members. Or you can try engaging the others, it might be quite fun!:)
So, start a shopping list and pick up the following items, if you don’t have them already.
1) Yoga Mat
Yoga mats aren’t just for yoga anymore! Any time you do a toning workout, try doing it on a yoga mat. Even if you have carpet in your workout space, a yoga mat is so much better.

2) Flex Band
Start off with easy stretch elastic band. They are great to develop flexibility, slim your lines as well as targeting specific body areas. Once you get comfortable, move up to a stronger and tighter bands to increase the tension and improve the strength. It is great to have a whole variety of different flex band so depending on your workout you can choose which one works best. You can buy elastic bands in any sport shop.

3) Laptop, Cell Phone or IPad 
Set your laptop on an ottoman at home and get right to the workout. It's great to exercise following some instructions on the screen, keeps you motivated and helps to exercise correctly, developing and working specific areas of your body. Try Ballet Body Sculpture Online Classes.

4) A tall back chair
Barre exercises are great to work, shape and slim your legs. But we don't aways have a professional barre at home to hold on too. You can simply do all these great ballet barre exercises holding on to the chair.

Just a few items is all you need! And of course, a water bottle! Get out to the store and purchase what you need and get started on your own gym. Set up some motivational posters, you can find plenty of those on our Twitter & Facebook page, and let's get going!

For more tips on professional ballet excesses, great workouts, elegant posture, weight loss & effective youth preserving programs:

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Wednesday 18 February 2015

Visibly Reduce A Dress Size Just By Improving Your Posture

They say that after 40s, it's all about posture. Nothing makes us look longer and leaner, or gives us more centre-stage confidence, than standing well and moving effortlessly. Boost strength and stamina is also important of course, but working using some advanced professional techniques that encourages #great posture and mobility is going to do more for us in the future.

If you want to look slimmer and years younger in seconds work on your #posture whenever you can. Learn to keep your body's memory with a bit of conscious realignment until it becomes second nature. No matter how toned those abs might be, slouching curves the spine forward, creating rolls on the belly and making you appear inches shorter than you truly are.

So where to begin? Find a technique that works with your lifestyle and personality and you stick with it long enough to see and feel the rewards. Try this home exercise from #Ballet Body Sculpture

Stand up straight right now, lift your chin up, shoulders down, tummy in and back straight. Your muscles will hurt because they are used to an easy posture, which can cause rounded or hunched shoulders, a protruding stomach, and an ungainly masculine walk, as well as sagging facial features. Now, imagine you’re wearing a very expensive diamond necklace - open your shoulders out to show it off and slide your shoulder blades down your back. At the same time, draw your tummy in and try slowly lifting your waist up two inches – creating more space between your hips, rib cage and accentuating your waistline. Relax your shoulders and breathe normally. As you walk, you start to float with presence and grace, as you turn you glide, each movement becomes an expression of your inner beauty.

Keen to find out more? Learn the techniques that will create the grace and elegance, enhancing your posture, giving you confidence and making an apparent difference the way you move and stand - see more details bellow:

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Sunday 8 February 2015

Learn To Get Into Shape & Stay Fit - Tips From International Ballet & Fitness Experts

Looking to shape up for the Spring/Summer season? Ballet Body Sculpture is sharing our best fitness and diet tips with you.

1. Be honest with yourself about the body you want.

Have a real conversation about where you’re at with your health. You need to find exercises with some sort of strategy behind them, a strategy for how you want your body to look and perform. You should be taking the type of exercise  you like the results that is able for you to achieve. For example if you like how  ballet dancer's body looks like, you should choose the workout that helps you to exercise in the way the true professionals do. Similarly, if you want to look like a bodybuilder, then you’re not the best candidate for Ballet Body Sculpture classes. Get real with yourself. Understand how you move. For help finding your best personal fitness strategy, use our new streaming online classes or sign up for a private tuition session.

2. Exercise five to seven days a week.

If you don’t work out one day, you’re going to stay the same or gain weight. It’s fine if you want to give yourself a day to rest, but know that as long as you’re not exercising in a way that’s invasive to your body, you can exercise seven days a week. Some people wonder, “How long do I have to commit to this exercise program?” or “How long until I can just do this two to three days a week?” That’s not reality. We need to get used to taking care of our bodies. To put it in perspective: We spend five minutes a day brushing our teeth, and teeth are tiny in comparison to the rest of our bodies. So if teeth take up five minutes of your day, the rest of your body can take up 30 to 60 minutes.

3. Diet and exercise go hand in hand.

The biggest mistake my clients make is saying, “I need to lose weight before I work out.” You never want to just “diet” weight off before you start working it off. Exercise is part of it! If you have weight to lose, you have to train yourself to be good at exercise. And diet is definitely important, but it’s not about calorie restriction — it’s more about eating whole and organic foods. You should enjoy foods that are life-giving instead of damaging to your body. Avoid processed foods, and include foods that as are as close to nature as possible, as well as greens and superfoods like mulberries, including even organic chocolate.

4. A good playlist can be the key to a good workout.

Working out to music is something that people need to do. Remix from the classical music will help you to de-stress and concentrate on your body more, forgetting all the worries or daly routines. It works as a great meditation for your mind, whilst your body is fully engaged.

Have fun creating the best body for yourself! Invest a bit of time and effort, be selective, organised and the results will come very quickly!

For more tips, to join our life group classes, private training or sign up for online classes:

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