Saturday 31 January 2015

How to recover well after the workout - 7 key steps

As you complete one of your most strenuous workouts today, you may wonder, what is the best way to recover? Should you take a day off, week off, relax or those legs or show up tomorrow and workout harder? Or should you exercise at a light intensity the next day? There are so many different approaches so it is best to stick with the scientific evidence along with what works best for you. Knowledge is power in the fitness world and also becoming an athlete you become instinct with your body cues. So check out the ways to recover quickly and effectively starting today:


Both before, during and after your workouts, drink lots of water. Aim for 8-12 glasses of water per day so that you can heal quicker from your workouts, optimize your performance and aid the digestive track. Ample water will also help boost your metabolic functioning so drink up!


A protein shake, eggs or grilled chicken 30-45 minutes post workout can help you to recover quicker so the broken down muscle fiber from exercise can be on the mend. So make sure you have your post recover light meal to make the most out of your workout and get that body healing pronto!


Elevating your feet against the wall or on a pillow will speed up blood circulation and help your body to heal post workout, so kick your feet up and relax for a few. As tough as it is to take a break, just 30 minutes a day can help your body tremendously so it is well worth the wait!

4. ICE

If you have a particular muscle group that is supper sore, turn to ice to reduce inflammation. Ice can do wonders in reducing the pain and helping to speed along muscle recover so grab that ice pack and be patient, it takes about 20min to make an effect. Time heals all wounds (and muscle soreness), right?


Ice baths are incredible in speeding along muscles heals and getting you back to competition sooner, what else would football players and other athletes swear by this? I have helped myself heal a number of times to perform optimally at distance races back to back. Just a 15 minute ice bath at night can have your legs feeling fresh for the next day!


Even though you are sore and the last thing you want to do is work out the day after a strenuous workout, it is well worth the push. Just a light workout class the next day will actually help you to feel better and in no time you will be game day ready again!


Light stretching is said to speed along recovery and even help remove lactic acid from the body. You can even stretch with a foam roller to relax the body even more. So stretch it out, try our online class or join a life Ballet Body Sculpture class and lengthen those tired muscles. Just do not over do your stretch because you do not want to overdo it!

So are you clear on the best way to approach soreness the day after your ultra-intense workouts? Just remember to always listen to your body. You know your body best, so play it safe and have fun through the process of getting fit and fab!

ASR Search Engine

Sunday 25 January 2015

7 Ballet Body Sculpture Workouts To Burn Those Extra Holiday Calories!

Want to burn off holiday calories so you can avoid holiday weight gain? Excess calorie consumption during the holiday time can make you put on weight a lot quicker as you are more relaxed and less consious about the calorie intake. To help you slim down after the holiday time we have some ultra-effective workouts. So are you ready to get started? Then follow these post-holiday workouts that can help you burn off holiday calories and feel guilt less for good reason!

1. Ballet Body Sculpture - Elegant Posture, Arms & Back - Tone your upper body and gently get the heart rate up & running!

Create perfect posture & feminine ballerina arms. A graceful workout designed to give you toned, lengthened, elegant, arms and a beautiful back. Low impact, artistic exercises with high impact results.
Level : Beginner
Length : Approx. 20min

2. Ballet Body Sculpture - Workout Class IV - Full Body Blast!

From Top To Toe – Boost your metabolism, slim & tone your perfect lines! Full Body Blast targeting muscles in the legs, butt, core, abs and upper body. Elegant yet challenging exercises will sleek 'ballet muscles' while getting your heart rate up even more!
Level : Beginner/Intermediate
Length : Approx. 30min

3. BBS Workout Class - Barre - I ( Beginner )

Create Your Dream Body Line & Posture!
An elegant Ballet Barre Workout class based on some muscle firing exercises from the classical ballet to tone up your muscles, lengthen, strengthen your legs, stretch & sculpt your thighs, calves and glutes for a stunning body silhouette.
Level : Beginner
Length : Approx. 30min

4. Ballet Body Sculpture - Ballet Barre - II

Based on classical ballet dancer's barre, this Ballet Body Sculpture Workout class is created to help refining elegant posture, work the thighs, glutes, core, tone up all your muscles, lengthen, strengthen and sculpt a ballerina-like body from top to toe.
Level : Beginner/Intermediate
Length : Approx. 25min

5. Ballet Body Blast Express - From Head To Toe!

Full ballet body workout class to tighten, lengthen, tone your thighs and sculpt out your waistline in less than 25min!
Intense, fun and very effective classical ballet sequences including a warm up, ballet barre & relaxing stretchers.
Enhanced with a mood lifting music for you to enjoy & love your body!
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Approx. 23min

6. Ballet Body Sculpture - Workout Class III

Toned Glutes, Great Legs & Defined Hips. A low impact body sculpting workout designed to strengthen, shape and tone the muscles in your legs and bottom.
Level : Beginner
Length : Approx. 25min

7. BBS Full Body Blast II - To challenge and burn it off!

Challenging & highly effective total body workout class. Beautifully designed series of mat, ballet barre, centre and stretching exercises that will fire up all your muscles, burn the calories, slim, tone up, stretch & lengthen your full body, creating elegant posture as well as sculpt a ballet dancer-like body line.
Level : Beginner/Intermediate
Approx.: 50 min

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Saturday 24 January 2015

Back Bending Flexibility Benefits

Posture is the key to looking and feeling healthy, attractive and young. Whatever is the age or physical structure, our modern lifestyle of sitting in cars, behind desks, and on sofas, takes it's toll on our bodies over the time, making look older, tired and less confident. Now imagine if you open your shoulders, lift your chin, stretch your spine resisting the gravity. Your presence would immediately change giving a perception of a strength, confidence and grace. As start to you walk, you float, as you turn you glide, each movement becomes an expression of your inner beauty...   

Backbends reverse the inevitable hyper-flexion of the spine from too much sitting and computer use.They restore the natural positioning of the pelvis and the lordotic curve in the lumbar spine.

Backbends and side bends open up the spaces between the vertebrae and allow the spinal nerves space to “breathe.” They also move lymph and cerebrospinal fluid via compression, helping to hydrate the spine, the spinal nerves, and tissues around the spine.

They also move lymph and cerebrospinal fluid via compression, helping to hydrate the spine, the spinal nerves, and tissues around the spine.

Backbends stretch the psoas, which is known in qigong as “the seat of the soul” and is hugely important for trauma, since a lot of trauma gets stored in the psoas, and is reinforced by the perpetual crouch (forward flexion of the spine, head forward, neck flexed, shoulders collapsed, hips flexed, and knees drawn up—essentially the fetal position).

Spine extension is very important for posture and health. Since there is very little in life that we do bending backwards, taking time with exercise to move this direction can help keep our backs in balance.

“A man is as young as his spinal column.” Joseph Pilates

See how you can increase your flexibility at our classes or using our online ballet workouts!:)

ASR Search Engine

Thursday 22 January 2015


Life is sweet… isn’t it? Unfortunately, many of us take that way to literally, consuming nearly our #body weight in sugar every year. Real sugar in and of itself is not bad. It is the quantity of sugar consumed that is the real problem. Although some research points to sugar addiction, most of us just like the taste of these goodies, and when they are readily available it’s hard to say no. Fear not, learning how to reduce sugar intake is as easy as understanding the science of sugar and following some simple tips.

The Science of Sugar

Our #bodies and brains need sugar in the form of glucose to survive. However, our bodies only need about two teaspoons of sugar in the blood stream at any one time. Unfortunately, the quantities most people consume, puts them at risk for obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, liver disease, diabetes and heart disease.

Here are some practical things you can do to help reduce sugar cravings.

Avoid processed food. Many processed foods often contain harmful sugars such as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). HFCS masks an important satiation hormone in our bodies called leptin. When the body doesn’t recognize that leptin is present, the brain doesn’t get the message that the body is full; so we continue to eat.

Eat naturally sweet real food. Fruits, vegetables and some spices are naturally sweet. Nature provides us with all of the sugar we require. The more real food you eat, the more you will be able to taste the natural sugars contained in these nutritious alternatives. Fruits and vegetables are also high in fiber, which allows the body to slowly absorb the natural sugars they contain, which in turn provides a steady stream of energy. Try them raw, lightly cooked (less than 3 min), or even frozen. Look for richly colored produce, which contain higher amounts of antioxidants that are naturally anti-inflammatory.

Be mindful of your emotions. Many of us are emotional eaters, and this is especially true this time of year when emotions are running high. Sugar can act as a natural anti-depressant as it has a direct effect on a neurotransmitter in the brain called dopamine. When you eat sugar, dopamine is released causing a bit of a sugar high. The problem is that it is short lived and when dopamine levels drop, you may crave more sugar to regain the feeling that high levels of dopamine provide.

Skip the artificial sweeteners. New studies suggest that artificial sweeteners can make us crave more sugar. Research has showed that consuming artificial sweeteners it actually increases blood sugar levels more than natural sugar.

The best way overall to kick the sugar habit is to just eat real food. Nature has provided us with all of the sugar our bodies need in fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. You may find that the more you eat real food, the less you will crave the added sugar. The next time you get that sweet tooth, reach for a delicious apple or a crispy carrot. Overtime, you will begin to notice that your sweet tooth isn’t quite as sweet as it used to be.

Remember sugar is a great quick energy source, so why not to burn it #exercising? Try something unique and healthy - ballet exercise based workout class, to burn out those extra sugar calories:)
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Friday 16 January 2015

The Secret Of Setting Your Goals Right

It’s the time of year when optimism strikes and we think to ourselves: our New Year’s resolutions will totally work out this time.

But what if this year really could be different?

There are some secrets how to setting goals, so you aim and achieve what you initially wanted.

Choose a goal that matters, not just an easy win.

Our brains are wired to love rewards, so we often set simple goals that make it easy to check off boxes. Did you go to the gym today? Check. Did you write in your journal? Check.

A meaningful goal — one that truly inspires you to change — requires going deeper. Give yourself permission and time to think about what it is you want to experience in your life or what’s getting in the way. Think about what you want in the coming year, then ask yourself why you want that — three times in a row. For example, if you want to quit smoking, ask why do you want to quit? Then, if you would like a better body shape, ask how am I going to feel if I managed to improve it? You get to something that just feels so obviously important to you. It really drives home why that goal matters, and that motivation can bolster you as you work toward the goal.

Focus on the process, not the outcome.

When we set goals, it’s easy to fixate on that magical ending when we’ve reached the goal and everything is better. But we can’t control outcomes, and we certainly can’t will them into existence (though this writer has tried, many times). We have to inch toward them, one choice at a time.

Small changes can pave the way for bigger changes. Ask yourself, what is the smallest thing I can do today that helps me reach my goal? For example, if you’re not feeling very fit and confident, you might accept someone’s invitation to go to the gym, 
Pilatesballet class or say decided to start a new program with your personal trainer. From there, just follow the breadcrumbs — one small choice after another.

You can make very, very small changes that are consistent with your big goals without having to understand how you’re going to get to the endgame. If you make daily choices that are consistent with your goal over and over again, you will eventually reach it — though it may look nothing like what you expected.

Frame your goals positively.

How you describe your goal makes a big difference. Focusing on what you want to bring into your life — not what you want to avoid — will make you more likely to actually pursue it. Any sort of avoidance is going to trigger inhibition systems, whereas positive goals are going to trigger approach and reward motivation.

Think about what you want to foster in yourself or what you want to do more often. That positivity can help motivate you when you find yourself slipping. Saying ‘I don’t want to be fat anymore’ gives you no positive motivation to draw on when you just ate the second box of donuts. Be nice to yourself. It works.

Prepare for failure (in a good way).

Moments of failure are inevitable, but most of us abandon the goal entirely when minor failures and setbacks start piling up. We give up on getting fit when we miss the training class,  or we forget about losing weight after a night of burgers and milkshakes. In that moment when you fail, often the first instinct is to push the goal away. It’s so uncomfortable to be in that place of self-doubt or self-criticism and guilt.

Your task is not to avoid failures, but to plan for them. Ask yourself, how am I likely to fail? For example, if you’re likely to choose unhealthy meals when you’re hungry, carry a light snack that can tide you over. Psychologists call this an if/then contingency plan, or “if this happens, then I’ll do that.” It’s a mental plan for how you’ll react to things that might trip you up.

When detours and roadblocks come up, remind yourself why your goal matters to you. Those simple reminders about why it’s important can buy your motivation and keep you headed in the right direction.

See you at the studio!

ASR Search Engine

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Pear Shape Body Type - All You Need To Know

What is a pear body shape?

The curvaceous pear usually has a small upper body with lean arms and a narrow waist. All the body fat is distributed around the lower stomach, hips, thighs and bottom, and the hip measurement will be bigger than the waist and chest. However, this isn’t always a bad thing: wide hips are a traditional sign of fertility, and are considered extremely desirable in many cultures around the world.

What happens when pear shapes gain weight?

Pears are more prone to cellulite than other shapes due to the concentration of fat around their hips. They have, however, less chance of developing medical problems like heart disease. Pear shapes are fortunate in that they have the potential to make a big difference to their bodies if they follow the correct training programme

What type of exercise should pear shapes do?

The classic pear-shaped woman has a well-defined waistline and an enviably flat tummy, so most of their training programme should be focused on their bottom and legs. Cardio exercise will help get rid of excess body fat, but it’s the toning exercises that will help pear shapes fit comfortably into skinny jeans. The best exercises are the ones that lengthen as well as tighten the leg and hip muscles, like ballet. Try some exercises from Ballet Body Sculpture. You can start with a few exercises online or join live group classes in you are in the area. Or sign up for some private tuition to get real gains and significant positive changes. A few combinations for your choice:

Sculpt Slim Ballerina Legs & Strong Core. The exercises are designed to get you super lean and slender, boost your metabolism, firm and burn!
Level -Beginner

Perfect For Those That Are Looking To Tone Glutes, Develop Great Ballet Legs & Defined Hips. A low impact body sculpting workout designed to strengthen, shape and tone the muscles in your legs and bottom.
Level -Beginner 

Tone, Strengthen & Refine. Based on classical ballet dancer's barre, this Ballet Body Sculpture Workout class is created to help refining elegant posture, work the thighs, glutes, core, tone up all your muscles, lengthen, strengthen and sculpt a ballerina-like body from top to toe.
Level -Beginner /Intermediate

Which celebrities have pear shapes?

Jennifer Lopez, Kate Winslet and Coleen Rooney are great examples of celebrities who have made the most of their shape without having to resort to extreme crash diets.

What else should pears know about their shape?

Research shows that women with a hip measurement of 40 inches (size 14) or more appear to have some level of protection against heart disease that is absent in slimmer people. That’s because hip fat contains a natural anti-inflammatory called adiponectin, which prevents arteries swelling up and becoming blocked. Storing fat around the hips also has far fewer health risks than storing fat around the waist, although, as with all body shapes, it’s important to maintain a weight that’s healthy for your height.

For more information how to shape and enhance your natural body type join our classes:

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Saturday 3 January 2015

10 Secrets About The Lemon Water - Drink It Every Morning

Something to have a great & healthy start in the New Year 2015!

The way you begin your morning sets the tone for the remainder of your day. Since you and I are not Cinderella, waking up singing and getting dressed with the help of some rather noisy birds, the advice is to create a sunny disposition with the next best thing - warm lemon water. Doesn't exactly seem thrilling now does it? But trust me, for a fruit that's so sour, lemons provide some sweet benefits. After reading these facts, I think you'll agree!


You should aim to drink 3 litres of water a day. It's easier to reach that goal if you start your day off right, with a healthy and hydrated foundation. When sleeping, you spend hours without consuming anything. When your body is dehydrated, or deeply dehydrated (adrenal fatigue), it can’t perform all of its proper functions. This leads to toxic buildup, stress, constipation and more. The word "breakfast" actually stems from "break fast" meaning, you guessed it, breaking the fast. The "fast" was the interval of time you spent sleeping without eating or drinking. Rather than breaking the fast by eating something right away, (or not having breakfast at all which is just as bad), gently prep your body for food by having lemon water first. Use the juice from half a lemon in a large glass of water. Use warm water as cold water shocks your system - picture leaping into an ice cold shower as soon as you open your eyes in the morning ... Not fun! Be gentle.


Morning breath is unavoidable, but it doesn't have to be so ... pungent. Think of lemon water as nature's answer to Scope. Lemon water is great first thing in the morning to reduce bad breath. Besides fresher breath, lemons also help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis. An added bonus, the high antioxidant and antibiotic compounds may also help reduce body odor over time.


Try drinking warm lemon water in the morning instead of coffee, and soon you'll be converted to this new routine. Coffee is a diuretic. That's fancy talk for you pee more. The more tinkle time you have because of coffee intake, the more water loss you have, which in turn causes dehydration. If being dependent on coffee has had you frequenting Starbucks so often it's become a second home, (with your monthly bill adding up higher than your current rent cheque!), why not make the switch to lemon water and put those dollars you saved from nixing the coffee shop toward a new outfit, or maybe a yacht! Lemon juice provides your body with energy when it enters your digestive tract, by oxygenating the blood. Unlike coffee, you won't have an afternoon crash, but you will have afternoon cash!


Lemon water acts as a gentle, natural diuretic - there's that word again! However, unlike the negative diuretic effect of coffee, with lemon water you're adding more water to your system and thus it keeping hydrated. Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted toxins that are in your body at a faster rate, keeping your urinary tract #healthy. It's like a daily, mini-cleanse!


Vitamin C helps your immune system by fighting off colds and flus, and also helps with the absorption of iron into your blood stream. Ascorbic acid (a form of vitamin C), helps in wound healing and fighting inflammation by removing uric acid from your joints. Oranges are always praised for their high levels of vitamin C, but did you know that lemons are ALSO high in vitamin C? Lemons are often the unsung hero of the citrus family. No wonder the little guy is so sour! The difference is, lemons are the fruit lowest on the glycemic index. Though it seems like these guys just can't catch a break, in this case being the lowest is a good thing! The glycemic index measures the affect of a food on a person's glucose (blood sugar) level. Having a low Gi means that lemons won't spike your blood sugar like an orange, or even a banana, would. AND lemme tell ya, like bananas, lemons contain high levels of potassium which stimulates brain and nerve function and helps to control blood pressure, without that pesky sugar spike. Betcha lemons are sounding pretty sweet right about now!


Vitamin C also does wonders for you on the outside by helping to decrease wrinkles and blemishes. As a result of lemon water purging toxins from your blood, your skin is more likely to stay clear. More flow, more glow!


So, how could it help to #weight loss? The more sugar you eat, the more sugar you crave. The more sugar you crave, the more sugar you consume. Suddenly, it seems many of your jeans have been "shrunk by the dryer". But don't blame the wash and dry cycle just yet. Instead, look to your eating cycle to find the pound-packing culprit! When your blood sugar is raised, your body is triggered to release a rush of the hormone insulin. A sudden surge of insulin will leave you feeling tired and hungry, and will slow down your metabolism. The low Gi of lemons keeps your blood sugar steady which keeps you feeling full and energized longer. The pectin fibre in lemons also assists in fighting hunger cravings. So, grab that lemon water, then grab those skinny jeans. No jean acrobatics necessary!


Your body's pH needs to be balanced in order for you to be healthy. Excess acidity in your body, caused by eating acid forming foods, such as sugar, dairy and meat, is a major cause of disease and hormonal imbalance. Lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. You might be thinking, "Hold on a second ... Aren't lemons acidic? What about citric acid? Is this a trick?" Good points, but here's the thing - lemon juice is acidic outside of the body, BUT once your body absorbs it, it turns alkaline - opposite of acidic on the pH scale. Mischievous lemons! Drinking lemon water every day can help to remove overall acidity in the body #improving your overall health.


Having warm lemon water in the morning also aids in proper digestion. The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and keep things *ahem* "moving" - if you get my meaning. Maybe I should have made this "fact number 2" instead! Lemon juice prevents constipation by encouraging the production of bile and ensuring smooth bowel functions.


The scent of lemons has mood enhancing and energizing properties. Lemon juice also helps reduce anxiety and depression by keeping your nerves nice and calm. Not a morning person? You know what to do!

So there you go! As far as routines go, adding warm lemon water to your morning is very simple. I hope now that you've read about the amazing health benefits it has, you try it out for yourself and kickstart your New Year on the road of health. Why not try it out?


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