Monday 24 November 2014

7 Business Body Language Tricks To Advance Your Career

Because your #posture, your facial expressions and other physical movements play an important role in an individual’s success, here are a few business body language tricks that will help you reach your goals. If you want to advance in your career, then you need to pay attention to your body language too. It can say a lot about you as a professional, positioning and movements work together to communicate specific attributes about an individual. By using facial expressions, #movements and positioning, you can project positive qualities such as assertiveness, confidence, empathy, interest, openness to collaboration and intelligence. By using a few clever body language techniques, you can communicate these qualities and you can raise yourself in the esteem of influential parties without speaking a word. Here are 7 business body language tricks hat help advance your career:


One of the most important business body language tricks that will help you advance in your career is maintaining eye contact with your interlocutors and engaging in active listening more often. This way, you show other individuals that you respect them and that you are interested in what they are saying. Keep consistent eye contact with your colleagues when they speak, nod occasionally and they will feel interesting and important.

Even though the people around you may not recognize this subtle move, it will actually help you shape their opinions of you. A lot of studies have shown that when individuals place both of their hands palms down on podiums, tables or desks when speaking to others, it projects a sense of leadership and authority.

Try to keep your body language open and remove any possible barriers because most people tend to take emotional cues from their conversation partners. So, don’t cross your arms and don’t slouch, because you will appear “closed off” to others. Keep your arms at your sides to show the individuals you interact that you are open. Also, try to avoid being separated by your interlocutor by large items such as tables.

When you talk to your boss or to one of your colleagues, try to smile sincerely. When you approach an individual, try to imagine greeting an old friend and a genuine smile will emerge on your face. A sincere smile communicates a sense of warmth, which will encourage others to open up.

When you talk to your boss or to one of your co-workers, try to avoid scratching, squirming, twitching or wiggling because you will seem nervous and tense. Also, avoid gesticulating widely when you talk to another individual because this could distract your interlocutor from important points, so try to incorporate natural, subtly controlled movements that will mirror the body language of your interlocutor.

This simple act can take some work, so avoid extremes in handshakes. Aim for a brief, natural-feeling grasp if you want to communicate trust and respect and avoid an overly limp or excessively firm handshake.


When you talk to your boss or to one of your co-workers, try to adopt a wide stance because it will expand your diaphragm and it will project your speaking voice more effectively. You will seem more influential and more impressive and you’ll make a good impression.

These body language techniques will help you reach your goals but you need to practice them, so you will develop body language habits that will help you in your career. 

Would you like to learn how to develop your #confidence, advance your body language and posture:


Tuesday 18 November 2014

The Importance Of Body Language & Posture

Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” — standing in a #posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.
See full article here...

To learn how to improve your posture & confidence:

Friday 14 November 2014

Magic Stretch Exercise To Improve Your Flexibility

In answer to all your requests about how to improve your flexibility without spending too much time for stretching. As we are all so busy with our modern lifestyle,  here you go - one of the most effective and simple stretch exercise:

The magic of this exercise comes if you do it every morning for 2 min before getting out of bed! This way you can not say you have no time or too busy during the day for stretching!:) Doing it first thing after you wake up really pushes your energy levels up, improves your circulation and wakes your whole body up gently. And it's done at the time when your body is still warm and relaxed!:)

So keep stretching and stay healthy!

Ballet Body Sculpture

Tuesday 11 November 2014

7 Ways To Be At Your Best


If you want to learn a new skill, exercise,(or #ballet), you can't give up after your first #lesson. One of the ways to be the best you can be is by not giving up after failing a few times. Some people take longer to learn certain skills than others do. If you give up, then you'll never learn anything new.


You can't rush anything. If you want to #learn how dance, #coordinate your body, or to play an instrument, it's going to take practice. Nothing happens overnight. You have to be patient if you want to turn into someone that you're happy with. The new things you will try will take some focus, the more effective that will bring you the best results, will take the most of your concentration, is a simple 80 - 20 equation. 20% of effort for 80% of results, but the not the other way round..


Find someone successful to look up to. It can be a celebrity, a parent, or a neighbor. Just make sure that they have positive traits that will make you want to become a better person. If they set a poor example for you, then it could negatively impact you. Use #NLP exercises to increase the effects.


If you don't think that being a good person will get you far in life, then you're not going to bother to be the best that you can be. You have to realize why being your best self is so important. As soon as you do so, you'll have an easier time doing what is #healthy for you.


Have you ever heard that your boyfriend should make you want to be the best person that you can be? That's because the people you surround yourself with have a huge impact on your personality. If you only hang out with slackers, you'll become one of them. You need to find friends who strive to succeed, and will push you to do the same. Try our #group classes!:)


It's easier to look up some beautiful pictures of ballerinas or celebrities, admire, but think you can never be anything like them. Of course, by taking the easy way out, you won't be challenging your mind. You should stop doing the easy thing and start doing the right thing. It might make your schedule a little busier, but it'll help you become more worldly. Plus, you won't feel guilty for doing something you know you shouldn't be doing.


You need to be optimistic if you want to be successful in life. If you assume that only bad things are going to happen to you, then you're setting yourself up for failure. A #positive mindset can turn your whole world around. Try it and see how much your situation changes.
If you put your mind to it, you really can accomplish anything. Give yourself credit, and stop assuming that you'll fail at anything that you try to do. What skill have you always wanted to learn, but never thought you'd be able to do? #Try it this week. No exceptions.
See you in the studio! ( Or you are welcome to join for our #online classes!) 

Search Engine

Friday 7 November 2014

Exercise & Improve Your Brain Work

Physical movement improves mental focus, memory, and cognitive flexibility; new research shows just how critical it is to academic performance.

Mental exercises to build (or rebuild) attention span have shown promise recently as adjuncts or alternatives to amphetamines in addressing symptoms common to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Building cognitive control, to be better able to focus on just one thing, or single-task, might involve regular practice with a specialized video game thatreinforces "top-down" cognitive modulation, as was the case in a popular paper in Nature last year. Cool but still notional. More insipid but also more clearly critical to addressing what's being called the ADHD epidemic is plain old physical activity.

Read more of this article here...

So not just improving your body appearance, fitness results and general well-being, regular exercise routines have an amazing impact on your brain. 

Try it for yourself our unique workout classes for women:

Or if you have a very demanding schedule, keep yourself in shape doing exercises with our online classes :

Search Engine

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Healthy Pumpkin Pancakes - In Time For The Season!

Autumn Pumpkin Choice
Everyone's favorite autumn gourd is ultra high in nutrients: Each serving in this breakfast contains about 85 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A, which supports supersharp vision and may lower your risk for certain types of cancer.

Dairy Double 
Don't fear full-fat milk in small doses. A new study comparing it with skim shows it has higher levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Pure Sweet
Pure maple syrup comes straight from the tree, which means it has zero artificial ingredients or added sugar. Check the label: The stuff you're drizzling could be loaded with high-fructose corn syrup. (And regardless, take it easy with your pour—a tablespoon of the real deal still has about 50 calories.)

Go Healthy Nuts
Talk about a top topper: Pecans are rich in compounds called flavonoids that can lower your risk for heart disease and decrease LDL ("bad") cholesterol. Plus, they have belly-friendly monounsaturated fats and more antioxidants than most tree nuts.

Slim Down Time
A stack of flapjacks from a chain restaurant can set you back 600 to 800 cals, with many choices soaring over 1,000 (and packing up to 60 grams of sugar—this version has almost two-thirds less).

The Recipe 

1 1/4 cups canned pumpkin
2 cups chickpea flour
2 eggs
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup whole milk
1 tsp coconut oil
4 Tbsp organic maple syrup
1 Tbsp chopped pecans

Beat pumpkin with flour, eggs, nutmeg, cinnamon, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and milk. Warm oil in a skillet over medium heat. Scoop 1/4 cup of batter at a time onto skillet. Flip pancake when edges look cooked and bubbles form. Cook the reverse side for 1 to 2 minutes. Continue with remaining batter, making 12 to 16 pancakes. Top with syrup and pecans. Enjoy!

Serves 4
Per serving: 370 cal, 10 g fat, (3.5 g sat), 54 g carbs, 500 mg sodium, 8 g fiber, 16 g protein

Search Engine

Sunday 2 November 2014

Your Perfect Body In Time For The Party Season - 4 Simple Steps To The Weight Loss

As the holiday & party season is on it's way, time for a few heads up 

to get that body just perfect!:)

4 Simple Steps To Weight Loss

1. Drinking water. Drinking water during the day can help keep you feeling full without consuming high-calorie coffees and snacks. You may also eat less when you do have a snack, as you should already have the sensation of being full. Consuming fewer calories on a daily basis can help speed weight loss. 

Drink a glass of water before every meal. In several studies of weight loss in overweight adults, those who drank water before eating a meal regularly consumed fewer calories and saw improved weight loss results. The effect of water on meal calorie consumption has been shown to be more effective in older adults than in young adults. 

Regardless of your age, if you use water before a meal to increase weight loss, do not forget to monitor quantities and calorie intake of your food as well. Some reports of the water diet recommend drinking a full glass of water before, during, and after a meal to aid digestion and speed weight loss from the water.

2. No Refined Carbs. Refined carbs generally refers to foods that are white in color and that have been processed and refined, like flour, rice, pasta, bread, crackers, cereal, and simple sugars like table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. 

Natural, unprocessed white foods, such as onions, cauliflower, turnips, white beans, and white potatoes don't fall into the same category.  (Of course, health goes out the window when you deep-fry these or any other vegetables, or slather them with butter, sour cream, or cheese.)

The difference between refined white foods and their healthier counterparts is processing and fiber.  Most white carbs start with flour that has been ground and refined by stripping off the outer layer, where the fiber is located.  Vitamins and/or minerals are frequently added back to enrich the refined product. 
In addition to being easy to overeat, refined carbs are less satisfying than "good carbs." The body absorbs processed grains and simple sugars relatively quickly.  Increased blood sugar triggers a release of insulin, and, in an hour or two after eating, hunger returns. 

Further, many refined-carb foods, particularly sweetened beverages like sodas, provide little nutritional value other than calories. Less-processed "good carbs" are higher in volume and tend to be more filling than refined ones.  And controlling portions ultimately, your weight, is easier when you choose foods that are filling. 

But keep in mind that not all whole grains are a good source of fiber.  For example, brown rice is more nutritious than white rice because it contains the whole kernel of rice, but it's not necessarily a good source of fiber.

3. Don’t Become A Cardio Bunny! Far too many people are focused on how many calories they burn while they’re in the gym, but this is shortsighted. Stop focusing on how many calories you burn in the gym and instead focus on how your body expends calories outside the gym. You burn calories throughout the day regardless of what you are doing, but exercise helps increase the rate at which you burn those calories. With most forms of traditional steady-state cardio, you expend calories while you’re exercising, but once you stop, you quickly go back to your normal metabolic rate.

Strength training, however, builds muscle, and more muscle helps you burn more calories, even when you’re doing nothing but sitting on the couch.

Strength training is a critical component of any program than emphasises long-term fat loss. The more muscle you have, the more fuel you are constantly burning. This is the advantage strength training offers if your goal is to lean out. A treadmill or elliptical trainer is often seen as the quick fix to shed body fat, and they are certainly useful if your goal is to improve cardiovascular health, endurance or simply to burn some extra calories, but strength training is a powerful ally.

Therefor the best results are achieved by combining a bit of cardio exercise with strengthening & weight lifting. By the way, did you know that lifting your own body weigh is a lot harder and burns more calories? That’s way regular ballet & Pilates exercises bring such great results for your figure! And if you don't have time to get to one of our studios, perfectly welcome to do a few exercise at home - sign up for online classes!

4. Sleep And Get Thinner ( and healthier!) If you're not sleeping well at night, you may be causing hormonal imbalances that could be making you feel hungry when you don't really need to eat.
The appetite hormones are made predominantly during sleep, which means that people have less of a sense of satiety if they're not getting enough sleep. When you sleep, your body is hard at work building muscle and repairing and rejuvenating tissue. The less sleep you get, the less time your body has for these critical processes.

And since the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, not sleeping enough could be affecting how effectively your body burns through calories. You (won't) have as much muscle if you're not getting enough sleep, you'll actually wind up with more fat and less muscle.

So eat well, drink some water, exercise regularly and rest up. Your body will thank you for it.