Thursday 27 February 2014

Ballet Body Sculpture - Redefines Fitness & Wellbeing

Exercising in ballet classes seems to have become more and more popular:)

Many people that never had a chance to practice ballet before now can enjoy ballet classes offered to adults in various locations. Ballet became increasingly popular in the US, especially after Natalie Portman appearance in the "Black Swan" ,and started to grow further, spreading interest in ballet workouts worldwide. Many celebrities, films stars and models used ballet to advance their appearance, fitness and posture. Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot, Princess Diana, Patrick name but a few.

Attractive as an exercise form, as well as being very beneficial for #posture, fitness, flexibility, coordination and expression of movement, #ballet based classes can also help to develop the beautiful long and lean muscles, that everyone admires in ballet dancers. As well as help to strengthen the core, giving a great feeling of a really well conditioned body.

For the ones that wish to have a bit more personal approach, conscious about their appearance and would like to focus on more precise development of their body, posture, positive state of mind and confidence, we created a specific program – #ballet classes and workout, combining #ballet basedexercises with NLP – neuroligustic programming; allowing not just to achieve better results but also to secure them for the longer time.

Ballet Body Sculpture - Redefines Fitness & Wellbeing. Our ballet classes and workouts, as well as our personal training classes are now available in Zurich and London, expanding to other locations too.

We always welcome people that are interested in our program, share similar views, like to find out more, or join as teachers or agents.

For the ones that are curious, our workshop is a great taster to the program, no previous experience in ballet is necessary; just the desire to do something different and fun, to jump into the beautiful world of ballet and start sculpturing your own body in a graceful way.

Blogging Women

Friday 21 February 2014

Ballet - Great Stress Relief

Everyone knows and appreciates ballet as a beautiful form of art created by the fusion of a human body and music. We all see ballerinas and ballet dancers always looking very beautiful, happy, expressing great energy. Dancers in fact very rarely feel apathy or fall in to the state of depression… One could ask why?.. They surely have very demanding and intense lifestyle?..

Not a lot of people know that dancing #ballet can be a great remedy for relieving stress, anxiety, worries, mental tiredness, which with time could even lead to a depression. Exercising and concentrating on your body awareness has a tendency of releasing in your brain the certain hormones of happiness - endorphins, helping you to forget, at least for the time being, your current problems putting aside all worries, stresses or any bad thoughts. It almost becomes like a small holiday escape from the busy and stressful life into the other world of a better you, allowing leave the rest of the world in the background. 

Even though it’s a very temporary get away, one or two hour break would immediately change your attitude to your current situation in your life and whatever was effecting you before now would look in a completely different light, giving you a totally different perspective. It is almost like you have put an annoying, stressed brain to sleep for a while and now it can wake up rested, ready to help you resolve any issues or difficulties, making you feel happier, more energized and helping to move forward in your life. In addition to that, if you think of adding nice music to your #exercise, which would naturally l work as relaxing sedative, the effect of meditation would increase dramatically. Hence why many people chose dance or ballet as perfect exercise form, the routine that allows to relax from the daily life, giving a feeling of fun exercise, recharge of lost energy and the greatest stress relief…

Expat Women - Inspiring Your Success Abroad

Monday 17 February 2014

Welcome to the official Ballet Body Sculpture blog

Posture is the key to looking and feeling healthy, attractive and young. Whatever your age or physical structure, our modern lifestyle of sitting in cars, behind desks, and on sofas, takes it's toll on our backs, shoulders, bellies and chests, not to mention the legs. Our muscles adopt the laziest way to hold our bodies over time, and without proper #exercise, causes us to look tired, out of condition, and certainly not at our best.

Ballet Body Sculpture is created as unique posture & fitness program, giving the opportunity to all women to enjoy the experience of developing elegant and graceful posture, lean, long lines, toned, well conditioned muscles, whilst regaining their individual natural beauty.

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